Daily Communion

If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you may have experienced moments when God seemed distant. Reflecting on your life, there are likely times when you felt close to God and confident in your beliefs. Perhaps an inspiring sermon or a refreshing retreat bolstered your faith, or you had a consistent routine of devotions. But now, things feel dry, and with this dryness comes guilt. You might wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Why does God feel far away? What should I do?” Today’s blog aims to address these questions as best we can. We’ll explore how to get right with God and offer four helpful tips for Christians struggling to find God amidst their hardships.

Tip number one: Go to the cross.
While this blog presents four tips to help you get right with God, it’s crucial to grasp this fundamental truth: You cannot get right with God on your own. Many fall into the trap of thinking, “I need to clean up my life to get right with God.” But getting right with God isn’t about praying and reading the Bible daily, consistent church attendance, or tithing. To elaborate, God is holy, perfect, and just beyond measure. Being good in the present doesn’t erase past failures or future mistakes. We lie, act selfishly, and may struggle with past sins like sexual immorality or bitterness. We’re sinners, and Romans 6:23 states that the wages of sin is death. Jesus died on the cross to pay our penalty, dying in our place. Believing that Jesus died for our sins allows us to have a close relationship with a perfect and holy God. Romans 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved—saved from hell and eternal separation from God. So, when you feel the need to get right with God, remember that it’s not about doing good deeds. You’re right with God by acknowledging His love and accepting Jesus’ sacrifice for the wrongs you have done. Reading, praying, and attending church should stem from gratitude and love for God, not from trying to earn His favor. Focus on your relationship with God, not on following rules.

Tip number two: Feelings are not reliable; God’s word is.
It’s essential to understand that feelings can differ from reality. In John 14:16, Jesus promises His disciples an advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will never leave them and lead them into all truth. Despite feelings of distance, if you’re a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells within you and is close to you. Romans 8:38-39 assures us that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus. Our feelings can mislead us, making us think God is far or loves us less, but the truth is that God is near and nothing can sever His love. To align your feelings with truth, regularly read God’s Word.

Tip number three: Input equals output.
Galatians 6:7-8 warns us not to be deceived; we reap what we sow. If your life were a field, you’d plant seeds for the fruit you want to harvest. Reflect on what you’re sowing in your life. Excessive social media, binge-watching videos, or endless entertainment can drown out God’s voice. Consider your eyes and ears as gateways to your heart. What grows there depends on what you plant. Are you nurturing your faith with prayer, scripture, fellowship, and service? When engaging in spiritual practices, disconnect from distractions to focus.

Tip number four: Sin can destroy.
This tip relates to the previous one. In your life’s field, something harmful might be growing unchecked. James 1:14-15 explains that temptation leads to sin, and sin leads to death and Hell. Sin can ruin relationships, confidence, and intimacy with God. Following God requires denying sinful desires and carrying our cross daily, as Jesus instructs in Luke 9:23. Examine your life for sin and take steps to remove it, seeking help if needed. Jesus emphasizes the seriousness of dealing with sin in Matthew 5:30.

In summary, we’ve shared four tips on getting right with God:

  1. Go to the cross: You’re made right by Jesus’ sacrifice, not by your deeds.
  2. Trust God’s word over feelings.
  3. What you input into your life affects your spiritual health.
  4. Sin can damage your relationship with God, so be vigilant.

As you pursue God, remember James 4:8’s promise: Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. God isn’t a distant deity; He desires a relationship with you.

Our prayer for you is that you continue in your walk with God, understanding that you are going to have some high points and some low points. God uses both. So keep going and know that Jesus loves you. God bless.

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